

5 Back To School Makeup Tips

Summer break is finally coming to an end. The kids are going back to school and we all know that by default; we all get affected. Traffic increases, yellow buses everywhere, and you can't turn that corner you got used to turning during summer vacations when the light was red (because you know, school hours and all.) I know for a fact that my sisters weren't too excited about the idea of waking up early and having to endure 8-10 hours of dreaded school subjects again. Neither was my mom, who has …
18th Aug 2016

Top 7 Olympics Inspired Picks 2016

  The 2016 Olympic Games are finally here. Rio has been witness of many accomplishments that have left the world speechless so far. The USA Gymnastics team, also known as "The Final Five", have been one of many to bring home the gold in a mesmerizing, fabulously flawless way. Artistic gymnastics is as much about athletic abilities and coordination as it is about looks and visual performance. Through-out the years we've seen beautiful leotard costumes and matching makeup to highl …
11th Aug 2016

Meltproof Summer: Say no to the sticky face!

Certain makeup practices are great at any time of the year: lip gloss applied over lip balm, smoky cat-eyes or even the classic red lips! However, there are products and tips that won't work for every season. As a result, we're constantly searching for season appropriate makeup that will make us look great while also fighting-off the elements. Can it be possible to have both? Absolutely!  Summer is that season of the year we spend the most time outside under the sun. Whether we are …
19th Jul 2016

Allure asks our CEO: Why does your favorite makeup get discontinued?

As published in by Renee JaquesHere's what some people do when they find out that the last tube of their favorite lipstick has suddenly become discontinued: take a cotton swab and dig out every tiny scrap from the bottom of the tube, smear it on their lips, and savor that last bittersweet moment of lipstick bliss. Then there are the other people, the ones who spend hours scouring stores and online shops for every last tube, stashing them away in the back of their refrigera …
11th Jul 2016 Renee Jaques

How to: Clean your makeup brushes

Just like makeup, brushes are also a girls best friend. They are what makes our makeup apply on so effortlessly. What many don’t realize is that if you don’t take care of your brushes they can carry a lot of dirt and oils that we do not want on our face. So what do you do? Well, our beauty experts want to share with you 5 easy steps that you can do at home to keep your makeup brushes clean and ready to use. Step One: Rinse your brushes with wa …
20th Apr 2016

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